December 20, 2020

The Breakup Text

When I first started out in the adult industry Honestly I didnt know what the heck I was doing but I met a few friends along the way of journey.
In that Journey,I met a guy who was in the media/broadcast industry.Both Scorpios.
I will say my heart fell fast and I will admit.I did get sidetracked.15yrs in a toxic situation and at the time I didnt know I was stuck in a situation.I kept coming back and forth into ythe situation because I didn't know my place in his life and he was nonchalant about it..whats different now is growth.
I received a text that he can no longer have a "Personal Relationship" with me...Wait! Wait! What!? Soooo Thats what we were..Personal...Like Why didnt He say so after all these Years..But it was a Relief To Know..That it was a Personal Relationship...Tyxx.
Honestly,To know my value,my worth,my rights and my voice. I freely can let it go without feeling insecure of my future.
Thats what Led me into the industry was the free spirit nature, nudity and creativity.He used to block my creativity But the text summed everything up and I feel like Me Again.
I will never get into a situation so deep that it  takes me off my business and mental.
The goal is now for me to heal.
As I am reflecting I am feeling Very excited for My future.Leaving 2020 and all its BS right here.Only appreciating the losses and the lessons and growing from them to receive my blessings.
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