December 26, 2021

O My Chi: A Happier Mindset

A Happier Mindset is all about your "Chi" The article by Koya Webb.
( I forgot which Magazine something Wellness🙄🤷🏾‍♀️)
I was awaiting my Physical Therapist for the fun and pain of bending and lifting hooray to my, "Oh-So-Poor" knee,hurrying to take a seat with an anxious huff and puff of achievement  for getting to the chair without my knee becoming imbalanced..and bam.."Boosting your chi increases oxygen to your brain."
YEA Tell me about it.😳
-See what happens with bracing all elements of healing you don't become frustrated with the minor things like I have been before my injury.My brain was reckless I had more concerns for others than myself and the brain cells was on overdrive.
 I had forgotten my..."Chi"
It's the little small things that are the mighty wins in our lives and somehow I just wanted to rush to sit down.
This seated half squat mentioned in the article, inhaling with your arms up with a four count really relaxes the brain..and takes the stress away.
It's part of my Healing that I feel like I can run a marathon, It's the brain letting me know how excited it is to be balanced with two working legs and yet I do have to relax and Remind myself to "slow down we are not there just yet".
-This was just an After Christmas Sunday Reflection on this past week.
It's goes well when you take the Time Out to Just Breathe.

December 12, 2021

Happy Sunday

So we're officially closing out December as fast as possible😆
I just took a small reflection back from this whole entire injury. .and I am happy,Happy, to say that the process throughout my recovery has been beautiful 
I've learned that although it doesn't happen overnight but to hang in there.
I felt like my happiness really came at the time of my lowest point ..hoping any of my "so called" friend would come help me...
It never happened so God Stepped in..and I surrendered.From getting out of my own way and saw that it's much more rewarding to give to others🥰
I knew I'd come out of this as champ.
Just patience was required.
Lost my phone a few days ago
For a Cuban Hottie to return my phone..wheew

Thank you for Rocking With Me this Sunday.